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[대기중] - Not For everybody

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성명 Lynne 피해자와의 관계
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On December 2nd, the world gathers together to observe Global Slavery Remembrance Day, a time to reflect upon the historical and ongoing struggles of those affected by slavery. This day serves as a reminder of the millions of lives lost, and an opportunity to renew our commitment to eradicating modern forms of slavery. In this article, we will delve deeper into the significance of this day and explore the current state of global slavery.

Remembering the Past:

Global Slavery Remembrance Day pays homage to the memory of people who suffered and lost their lives due to various forms of chattel slavery, such as the Transatlantic Slave Trade. This abhorrent practice lasted for centuries, inflicting immeasurable suffering upon millions, tearing families apart, and forever changing the course of history. Remembering this dark chapter in human civilization is essential to ensure it is never repeated.

Understanding Modern Slavery:

While the abolition of chattel slavery marked a significant milestone, the fight against this crime is far from over. Modern slavery takes on various forms, such as forced labor, human trafficking, debt bondage, and forced marriages. It remains a deeply rooted issue, affecting an estimated 40.3 million people globally, according to the International Labour Organization (ILO).

Challenges Faced:

A major challenge in combating modern slavery lies in its hidden nature. Victims are often trapped in exploitative situations, unable to escape due to threats, coercion, or limited awareness of their rights. Criminal networks thrive by exploiting vulnerable individuals, exacerbating the problem. The global nature of modern slavery necessitates cross-border cooperation and a coordinated response to effectively tackle this issue.

Efforts Towards Eradication:

Global Slavery Remembrance Day not only serves as a chance to remember the victims but also to acknowledge the remarkable efforts undertaken by organizations, governments, civil society groups, and individuals worldwide in addressing this global menace. Governments have been strengthening legal frameworks, launching awareness campaigns, and allocating resources to combat modern slavery.

The Role of Technology:

Technological advancements have also played a crucial role in combating modern slavery. Organizations and individuals are utilizing various tools, such as data analytics, artificial intelligence, and blockchain, to identify patterns of exploitation and rescue victims more efficiently. Furthermore, social media platforms are instrumental in raising awareness and facilitating reporting of potential cases of modern slavery.

Education and Empowerment:

Education is key to preventing and addressing modern slavery. By empowering individuals, particularly children and youth, with knowledge about their rights, risks, and the tactics used by traffickers, we can instill resilience and equip them to make informed decisions. An informed and vigilant society becomes a potent force against exploitation.

Collaborative Approach:

The fight against modern slavery demands a united front. Governments, civil society organizations, academia, and the private sector must work together to share knowledge, resources, and expertise. International collaborations are crucial in addressing the transnational networks behind human trafficking and other forms of exploitation. Increased cooperation enables the development of comprehensive strategies that encompass prevention, victim support, and prosecution of offenders.


Global Slavery Remembrance Day serves as a poignant reminder that our fight against slavery is not limited to the past, but extends to the present. By commemorating the victims and acknowledging the achievements in combating modern slavery, we renew our commitment to a future free from this abomination. Only through collective action, education, empowerment, and international cooperation can we hope to eradicate modern slavery and build a more just, equitable, and compassionate world for all.